Since our visa was up it was time to come back to Thailand and enjoy some fun and food..Trip ended September 20, 2016

Nothing says fun like cycads and botanical gardens

This is the queens garden so it is pretty special

This display was dedicated to plants that live exclusively on limestone


Water lotus

You may have already guessed that I like botanical garden stuff

Funky flower

Lots of native colonies

Random insect nests

Native insect doing what it does best

Sacrificing himself for excellent bug pictures

Really feeling the nature

Extreme nature trail leading to some caves – on the trail there was a COBRA – no shit

Somewhat abandoned cave which was still cool and some extreme areas

Water falling

Always heed the warnings

We decided not to rent a car because we didn’t have licenses – so we got motorbikes instead

Started off real nice and smooth

Got a little bumpy

We can handle dirt roads

Totally rethinking our previous decisions

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

After lots of grueling hours of riding we made it to heavens gate

Along the way we stopped at caves and waterfalls

Bug wrangling is not a part-time job

9 story high cave room

Hard to believe we were sweating on the beach not too long before – now at 6000 feet or so

Dramatic Landscape

Natural hot-spring/geyser

Day 3 of motorbike touring

Day 4 of motorbike tour we encountered oil on a curve

Damage ensued

Happiness prevailed

800 km of fun and adventure

One last brilliant sunset in Thailand – for me it was a kiss goodbye…… for now
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John Gamache /